2022 |
“Unsettled English: Nineteenth-Century Representations and Reactions to China-Coast Pidgin,” North American Victorian Studies Association (NAVSA), Unsettling Victorians. |
“‘The past yet works in us’: John Mitchell Kemble’s Multilayered Anglo-Saxonism,” Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies (INCS), Strata. |
2021 |
“Editing in Absentia: Editing Tennyson’s Notebooks from Photographs,” MLA convention. |
2019 |
“Peter Piper’s Poems? The Hybrid Genre of Alliterative Tongue-Twisters,” NAVSA, media. genre. the generic. |
“Dialect, Jargon, Patois, Creole: The Latitudes of Victorian Language,” Northeast Victorian Studies Association (NVSA) conference, Latitudes. | |
2018 | “‘Grand-daughters of Latin’: Victorian Philology and Caribbean Creoles,” NAVSA conference, Looking Outward. |
2017 | “Preserving ‘the making of England’ in Tennyson’s History Plays,” NAVSA conference, Victorian Preserves. |
“The Question of English in Victorian Poetry,” NVSA conference, The Question of Victorian Literature. | |
2016 | “The Social Dilemma of Historical Rhymes,” NAVSA conference, Social Victorians. |
2015 | “The Spanish Expedition of the Cambridge Apostles,” NAVSA conference, Victorians and the World. |
2014 | “‘Bibliomaniacal foppery’: Typesetting and Typifying Old English,” NAVSA conference, Victorian Classes and Classification. |
“Twisting the Victorian Tongue,” NVSA conference, Victorian Senses. | |
2013 | “How Smart Is Watson? or, The Role of the Sidekick,” Sherlock Holmes: Past and Present, Institute of English Studies, University of London. |
“Historical Prosody and Philology in Tennyson’s Style,” Victorian Poetry: Forms and Fashions, celebrating 50 years of Victorian Poetry, University of West Virginia. | |
“Tennyson Turns Playwright,” NVSA conference, 1874. | |
“‘A Respectful Perversion’: W.S. Gilbert and ‘The Princess’ in Adaptation,” MLA convention. | |
2012 | “Victorian Philology and the Problem of ‘long familiar use’ in the English Language,” NVSA conference, Victorian Clichés and Orthodoxies. |
2011 | “Wordplay and Burlesque in ‘The Princess,’” NAVSA conference, Performance and Play. |
“Fragments as Raw Material: Julius Charles Hare and Guesses at Truth,” interdisciplinary colloquium Fragments and Fragmentation, University of Cambridge. | |
“Nationalizing the English Language: J.M. Kemble’s Anglo-Saxonism,” Recasting the Past: Early Modern to Postmodern Medievalisms, University of Exeter. |
Conference Papers